Got questions? Check out the Q & A Library.
Just call or email with your questions. You will receive the succinct answer, so no need to spend time researching. The link to the full article answers your questions in the detail that you need to make program decisions. Explanations are in plain English rather than bureaucratese or legalese. For reference, the Title IX regulatory and Policy Interpretation citations are included with each answer. The full text of the policy documents can be found in the “Resources” tab. The Q & A articles are authored by Val Bonnette, who co-authored the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Department of Education’s Title IX Athletics Investigator’s Manual. Val has over 40 years of experience in evaluating athletics programs for Title IX compliance, including 15 years in OCR headquarters. The articles posted at www.TitleIXSpecialists.com in the Q & A Library are protected by copyright laws and may be printed and downloaded for educational, but not commercial, purposes. Articles are added periodically. The articles are intended as technical assistance and not legal advice, and have not been endorsed by OCR. The Q & A answers questions from administrators, coaches, university and school district counsel, staff, students, and parents about the Title IX athletics requirements.
Simply call or e-mail with your questions – 858-695-9995 or goodsports@earthlink.net.)